
The Gentleman 52 Bicycle Playing Cards Fashion

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The Gentleman 52 Bicycle Playing Cards

Throughout the ages, we have pondered – What is the ultimate expression of manliness? Delivering a shocking uppercut to a frenzied great white? Tossing aside a lumberjack’s ax to instead kick a tree to the ground? Eating a t-bone still attached to a live cow? Well gentlemen, whichever way you choose to demonstrate your maleness, you must look like a man while doing it. Whether sporting a well-groomed stache or a full scraggly beard, nothing makes a man look like a man more than facial hair.

Our Gentlemen 52 playing card deck pays homage to all the splendor of growing hair from the chin, cheeks and upper lip. Thirteen distinctive facial hair styles comprise the deck. A faceless image reappears on cards two through 10 allowing players to easily visualize themselves on the cards, while the detailed jack, queen and king show examples of who wears a particular style best. We can’t think of anywhere better to enjoy such a diverse show of facial hair than right at your fingertips.

Grow On, Play On Hair Growers:  For our currently unshaven friends – we invite you to discover if your facial hair style made the deck. For our comrades looking to grow something new – use the cards as reference for what your luxurious but masculine facial locks can look like next.

Let Your Razors Rust!: Imagine yourself punching a bear in the gut sporting one of these bad boys! Oh, yeah. Let the day dreaming begin.

Whiskers 101: We encourage you to know all of the facial hair types included before your deck’s inaugural game, starting with:

Handlebar Mustache: Strong man? No need to show your guns when the handlebars can say it all. 

Soul Patch: Perfect for the self-righteous gentleman, who is meticulous about grooming and appearance. 

Bearded Lady: Did you know that one of Egypt’s most successful female pharaohs was commonly depicted with a beard? 

Chinstrap Beard: Strong, noble and trustworthy, this beard says it all. Sport it Lincoln Style. 

Goatee: Bona Fide Hustler.

Mutton Chops: Sideburns, strut your stuff. Mustache: This style can turn any baby face into a macho man.

Something For the Ladies: These playing cards aren’t just for men. Some ladies are proudly hairier than most, as shown with the bearded ladies adorning the deck’s four queen cards. Of course many women are simply facial hair admirers and appreciate that coarse hair of a goatee, old dutch, and more.

Detail Down to the Last Hair These cards possess superior detail, from the aged background effect to the pattern around the edges. The detail-rich jack, queen and king of each suit share facial hair styles with the royalty of other suits, but each will share a special place in your hairy-face-loving heart.

Aces Don’t Have Faces: A series of mustaches rock the aces. The stash needs no man … except maybe you.

To Shave or Not to ShaveWhat would make more sense for the jokers than shaving supplies? So shaving supplies is what we did.

Tuck Box: It’s Like Opening Christmas Presents, Only Better!

2013 Release.